My 7am Morning Routine

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Starting your day off on the right foot can set the tone for the entire day ahead. A well-crafted morning routine can help you feel more energized, focused, and ready to tackle whatever challenges come your way.  

For the past few months, I have been working on my ideal morning routine. This didn’t happen in a day. It took a lot of trial and error, seeing what felt good and what just didn’t resonate with me. Today, I’m excited to give you an inside look into my invigorating morning routine – the very steps I take each day to kick start my day on a high note. So, let’s dive right in and explore how I set the tone for a productive and energetic day ahead.

7:00 – 7:15 AM: Rise and Energize

I wake up at 7 am every weekday. I know some people have shared morning routines waking up at 5 am but that would not be realistic for me. I have found that 7 am is the sweet spot. 

After I get up, I slip into my favorite workout attire, signaling to myself that it’s time to get moving. Then it’s time to hydrate. According to Stanford professor, Dr. Andrew Huberman, drinking water right after you wake up is very important to shake off fatigue and improve your brain function. To amp up my hydration game, I am currently using LMNT electrolyte powder, which I combine with 16oz of water. Since I introduced this hydration step into my routine, I feel like I can perform better during my workouts and I am more alert during the day even when I don’t have caffeine. 

7:15 – 7:30 AM: Soak Up the Sun

With my hydration drink in hand, I either step outside or go up to my building’s rooftop to embrace the morning sunlight. Sipping on my revitalizing drink, I bask in the warmth while listening to a special morning playlist I have prepared. This simple act invigorates my senses and fills me with positivity, setting the perfect vibe for the day. Again, I took the practice of getting sunlight first thing in the morning from Dr. Hubberman who talks about the importance of sunlight for our circadian rhythm and sleep cycle. 

7:30 – 8:30 AM: Power Up with Exercise

My next stop? A heart-pumping workout session. Depending on the day, I go to a fitness class (I’m a big fan of Barry’s Bootcamp) or I follow my own workout session at my building’s gym. On the days when I work out at my gym, I kick off with 20 minutes of zone 2 cardio – a fantastic way to boost my heart rate and ignite my metabolism. This is followed by a solid 30 to 40 minutes of strength training, leaving me feeling accomplished and strong

8:30 – 9:15 AM: Self-Care for the Win

Post-workout, I’m ready for some well-deserved self-care. A refreshing shower rejuvenates me, and my skincare routine is like a mini spa session. As I pamper my skin, I focus on positive thoughts and visualize success for the day ahead. I also take my time styling my hair to get that blow out look and some days I add a cute hair accesory. Lately, I have been loving headbands like these ones from Amazon.

9:15 – 9:30 AM: Nourishment for the Body

A balanced breakfast fuels both my body and mind. My go-to breakfast is scrambled eggs (1 egg and 3 egg whites), toast, and a handful of greens. Also, now is finally time for caffeine. I brew my own cup of coffee using my beloved Breville espresso machine. It was not cheap but it has definitely saved me a lot of money in the long run and I actually enjoy feeling like a barista. Once ready, I add a scoop of collagen to my coffee to support my joints and skin health (this is the collagen powder I’m using and loving). Finally, to ensure I’m covering my nutritional bases, I take my daily supplements. At the moment, I’m taking a multivitamin, omega-3, and fiber gummies. I always make sure there are no added sugars in my vitamin gummies, so I am really liking these fiber gummies.

9:30 – 9:45 AM: Reflection and Expression

After finishing my breakfast, I take my cup of coffee and grab my journal for a moment of reflection. I jot down thoughts, set intentions, and let my creativity flow. This ritual helps me declutter my mind, offering a fresh perspective and a sense of accomplishment before diving into the day’s tasks.

9:30 – 9:45 AM: Energizing Commute

My morning routine concludes with a brisk walk to work. This short commute serves as a transition between my personal space and my professional environment. The fresh air clears my mind and gives me the opportunity to organize my thoughts and priorities for the day ahead. On days I work from home, I just go for a short walk around the neighborhood.

In wrapping up, my morning routine is my secret weapon for seizing the day. These intentional steps, fueled by consistency, grant me the energy, focus, and positivity I need to make the most out of every moment. So, why not give it a shot? Craft your own morning routine that aligns with your goals, and let it transform your days just like it has for me.

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